Diario de Snowwhite100

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28 abril 2022

Today is day 8 going without sweets or wine. Perhaps I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch but last Sunday was the first time in months that I didn't bring home sweets or croissants from the church “free give-away”. Our church has a very large food ministry on Fridays which I do not go to, even to help since I broke my back. They fill about 150 boxes for our neighborhood plus give bulk food to other churches in the area. There used to be a government-sponsored one on Wednesdays too but that stopped about a year ago. Wednesdays were the ones I worked on for a few years. Now, not only should I not be lifting, it just tears up my lower back (where my original problems are) to just be standing. What I am able to stand the pain of doing, I reserve for my own house and yard. Sundays after church they give out the left-overs from Friday, plus what comes in on Saturday. Originally it was just for our church family but more and more people (about 20 or 30) are dropping by without coming to service to take things too. It has become so crowded many parishioners don't even try to compete. The funny thing is many of them are not interested in things like Brussel sprouts, chard, broccoli, kale, leeks, mushrooms, fancy cheeses like goat cheese, buffalo mozzarella, or things they don't know what it is, or maybe even damaged things. There are usually around 20 big boxes of bread and sweets like all food ministries get. There are usually boxes of overripe bananas, last week 2 pallets. Most people don't want things like berries if there are several spoiled ones in the box. Many items are marginal or blemished, actually, some are spoiled. After the main throng goes through there are still things left that are useable if one is willing to go through them. There is so much bread and sweets that probably about 60% of the sweets and 70% of the bread is left.

I do take a few things for my 1 friend that had part of her intestines removed and is doing so poorly. She now has kidney stones and is in a great deal of pain from that and sciatica. She is on a special diet now so can't use most of what I used to take her. Her son (DIL and granddaughter) and her 2 caretakers and sometimes a nurse have to handle her needs as best as they can. My heart aches for her but I just can't handle getting more involved in her care but I always feel kind of guilty. She needs someone to change her bag, bathe her, cook for her, and clean the house. I've never changed her bag and she's never asked. I've never washed her kitchen floor and she's never asked. She is just grateful for what I do but it breaks my heart to see her condition. Sometimes I stay away just not to see it. Have you done that? There just isn't that much left of me, I can't even handle my own house. She lives about 10 or 12 miles from me. It isn't worth spending the money on gas driving that far for a loaf of bread or a head of lettuce. She can't cook most of the time. I only take groceries about every other week now.

I keep telling myself I am content to put up with my lack of keeping up my house because of my bad back and age (80). My husband is not satisfied but strangely is not complaining as much lately. I sure have been busy lately but do some things sitting in front of the TV leaning back on pillows in my lower back. He has been pulling some weeds lately, and transplanting some plants that I don't think will live because there are no roots on them but his working in the yard is good for him and it sure keeps him out of my hair. He is from Europe so always believed the house and yard “belong to” the wife to take care of. For my birthday years ago he bought me a used push mower for our 4 lawns.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
60,5 kg 0 kg 9,3 kg Bien
   (1 comentario) Perdiendo 1,3 kg a la Semana

24 abril 2022

Yesterday was day 3 for not having any sweets or wine. However, I probably ate too many grapes in the afternoon because I was hungry and they were so delicious. I was suggesting to Debbie Cousins that she watch "Robbie & Gary Gardening Easy" on YouTube to build your own soil for free by burying most of your kitchen waste and yard waste. I'm not good at gardening but things are going to get so tough we all need to start growing whatever we can. It's worth watching YouTube "Alaska Prepper" for some of the facts about what's happening out there or "City Prepper" for a sensible plan.

I care about all you wonderful people here at FS so I feel the need to share with all of you as a warning to prepare as best as you can. Each of us are in different circumstances but if we just do a little something every day to prepare ourselves for a tough future it won't seem so overwhelming. My neighbor said she does not want to hear “anything” negative. There are statistics of only 1% or 3% doing any “preps” for the future. Or are people just not talking about what they are doing, in fear of protecting themselves in the future?

The powers that be want to eliminate gas cars. I'm not buying an electric car and most of you won't either. Our electrical grid can't handle that. It's old and they are destroying the backup plants. Now they are killing our poultry. How long will beef be available? Without fertilizer, the farmers can't grow grain. We can learn to make fertilizer for our individual gardens without kitchen and yard waste. I have a compost tumbler but I can't turn it my myself so I am going to sell it. I can't turn compost but I'm learning from YouTube to just bury the scraps and leaves and never have to stir it. I am lousy at gardening and my progress in that area is very, very slow.

But I am saving canned goods and dried things. I do not buy complete freeze-dried meals because they are expensive for what you get. I prefer to save individual ingredients. I can speak of these things because I am anonymous on FS. Each of us have our problems against “prepping”. I live in a hot inland valley and have limited space to store anything. The garage or attic are the worse places. Much of Southern California is just basically a desert when water is not piped in. My husband does not want me to save water for an emergency like an earthquake and he pours it out. Perhaps, just perhaps I could barter for some from a neighbor that has a pool, but all the neighbors would probably want to do that. One neighbor told me he saves 10 gallons of water, but does he know how long that would last? It is said that we should have a gallon a day per person. In an emergency, I would only have water for drinking and cooking so I don't plan on any laundry whatsoever.

I have canned tuna and ham but I sure didn't want to get into canning. Now as of last week I see that if I want to have beef and poultry I better learn to can. Walmart still had some pint jars at the lower price and those should be big enough for meat for just the 2 of us, maybe even for 2 meals if we need to stretch it. My husband was raised in Europe and they didn't have an abundance of meat so he can get by without a lot of it. During the war, it was almost used as a condiment. His health is doing better than the last couple of years so maybe he will be around longer than appeared. Some say you can pressure can in 4 pints in the largest “instant pot”, others say it's not safe. Some say a pressure cooker is not a pressure canner. I need to learn more. Someone said a pressure canner used to be about $33. and is now $150. I need to dig out my pressure cooker from the back of a closet and see what it is and how it works. I hear there are 2 good brands of pressure canners: Presto and ???. I'll study. While I am studying and helping my husband I'm not gardening. But I cut up a lot of tulle and tied most around the outside of my 14 filled storage container raised beds hoping the slugs won't crawl in. And I bought small plants (tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini) a week ago since I never started any of my seeds but haven't planted them. Also, I'm taping the tops of cardboard boxes "up" to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes in. They will deteriorate during the season and the potatoes will be easy to pull out and the junky boxes will just be put into storage totes to make more soil to grow in. Time to get ready for church.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
61,2 kg 0 kg 10,0 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 1,7 kg a la Semana

21 abril 2022

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
62,0 kg 0 kg 10,7 kg Bien
   (1 comentario) Ganando 0,7 kg a la Semana

19 abril 2022

I'm still binging. When I'm in this place it feels like I can't figure out how to stop. But when I'm strict I don't understand others that are not in control. I feel like a mess.

The news says we are at 7 1/2% inflation. We know they don't include food and fuel, but it is upsetting that what we know is coming, is already at our doorstep. I was looking at Ralph's for toasted Sesame oil for stir-frying, which used to be about $3 or $4. Of course, it is more expensive than regular Sesame oil but I was surprised to see the tiny little bottle for $11.50. They didn't have any at Foods4less, but maybe I'll find some elsewhere.

About 3 months ago I bought a couple of large jars of Vaseline at CVS drugstore for 99 cents each. Yesterday I was in a different CVS and looked to see if they had it. They must have gotten in a new supply because the jars were a little different. It was $5.50.

I saw a Ribeye roast last week. The regular price was $134.+, with a sale price of $56.+ if you bought $25. in extra groceries. I passed on it.

If you don't like complaining stop here. My husband hurt my feelings and I sure feel stupid that I even listen or put any stock in it. I sit in the living room to do a lot of my chopping or other work so I can lean back on pillows because of my painful back. A week ago Sunday I got free mushrooms at the food bank at my church. The first load was sliced but has to be laid out in 1 layer. I had 5 trays plus 4 trays of other things. The second load 2 days later had to be washed then I sat with the breadboard on my lap and sliced them and arranged them on 9 dehydrator trays. You see there were about l5 lbs altogether.

This week I again got about 15 lbs of free mushrooms nobody else took since they had cases of them. After washing a pound at a time I sat and sliced and arranged them on the dehydrator trays. I just can't stand long enough at the kitchen sink to do it. The day before I sat and took out side-seams of pants I had previously taken in, from ones I received as hand-me-downs from my SIL. Then I drove and got about 5 cases of #10 cans of grains, etc. from the Mormon Storage Center (even though I am not Mormon). Then I cut netting (tulle) to go around my storage totes for my raised vegetable beds. My husband was nasty that I wasn't doing anything. After explaining about working on the the pants etc. he said I wasn't pulling weeds like he was doing, and to stop lying about working. He gets so angry.

If you're not a Christian please stop reading here. I met 2 Christian gals at the Mormon Storage place. As we waited in line for our turn, I shared about my husband. Later as we waited for our cars to be loaded, the older one said she asked the Lord if my husband has a demon? She said the answer was "several". She said then she asked "who will protect her?" The answer was "I will". When she told me that, I put my hands up right there in the Mormon parking lot, and said "That's my Lord!"

08 abril 2022

I have gained weight again. It's hard to acknowledge my lack of discipline of eating high carbs and sugar. The addiction will always be there and only when I am super, super strict will it release or reduce it's hold on me enough to be able to either lose or maintain a normal lifestyle. Still doing intermittent fasting every day I don't always achieve my 16 hour fast but usually at least 14 or 15. There was a PBS program day before yesterday on Alzheimer's and another one yesterday on the 700 Club. I worry about my memory that keeps slipping, and often when I pray my brain feels like mush. Many believe sugar (blood sugar) and high carbs are the worst thing for our brains. Then lack of sleep and lack of exercise, all of which are problems for me. Exercise is difficult with my extremely bad back but yes, I could be doing more. After driving the car when I get out, my back is very painful and I can't walk for a minute. Three days ago I fell asleep in a chair and when the telephone rang I suddenly (disoriented) jumped up and hurried for it, and fell forward all the way down, because my leg won't work for a minute or two.

Journaling is very time consuming (for me at least), and I don't get enough done in the house and yard even without the time of reading other FS journals, supporting others, and journaling. I am a person so full of emotions that when I open up the flood gates even a little, the deluge seems overwhelming. I am up at 4am because my husband isn't wearing his C-Pap and is too noisy snoring. After my last journal a month ago I was cleaning house before our daughter and her husband's visit for my husband's 86th birthday. By the way none of my Basil slips rooted before they rotted. I've been doing a lot of extra shopping while I still can before the prices get even worse and there are still groceries available. Dehydrating vegetables is a lot of work if I have to blanch them, frozen is easier since they don't need blanching and I'd like to keep the dehydrator going. Now that it's hot, it's outside. My refrigerator/freezer is full. Finally I am trimming my rose bushes but can only do about 6 or so a day before I can't handle the pain of leaning forward a little, even with a stool. We have a row around the edge of our corner lot plus some others. I watch YouTube a lot, mainly about gardening, which brands of things are better, and some about prepping but I can't take much of that. Since my husband throws away the water I save, my preps won't be very useful with no water if the grid goes down in my area. People are already getting nasty about food in some places, which will become a really big problem later. I live about a mile from major homeless encampments. How long will they not go that mile when they don't have food?

Do you believe as I do that we will have serious food shortages in the coming months or at least in the next year or two. One food industry individual predicted the average family will be spending an “additional” $1,000.00 a month on food. Not everyone has it to spend, probably most don't have it. We need to grow what we can to supplement what we can buy. We can grow herbs and sprouts in our kitchens or some people have a balcony where they can grow at least a little. My lot is a standard city lot but that is big enough for my husband and me if I were better at it. I just carried an empty tote or plastic storage container from the garage to the back yard and my chest hurts. I have 3 leaky valves and an electrical problem. Yes, I am out of shape, can I use the excuse of my painful back?

In the gardening arena, my raised beds are growing in number but that's all that is growing. At the rate I'm going I won't even get in much this year although I did buy little summer squash seedlings at the 99 cents store yesterday. It's been a month since I started with 2 of the inexpensive ($7.) 18 gallon gray storage containers from Walmart or Target and now I am up to 14. Watching YouTube's “Robbie and Gary Gardening Easy” gave me the confidence to try the storage totes because she continually puts kitchen and yard waste down under the top layer of compost without stirring it at all, and she uses netting called tulle to cover the plants to keep pests out. She puts her storage containers on cheap plastic chairs so she doesn't have to bend over so far, and I happen to have a retaining wall around my backyard about 18” tall (about as high as a sofa) than I can put some containers behind to raise them. She drills holes in them a couple of inches from the bottom to conserve water (in California) so tree roots can't grow up into the bottom of the ones sitting on the ground, and I have trees with lots of roots that I can't deal with. She even lets some containers drip into other containers. I bought tulle where she suggested on eBay that is the lowest price and 54” wide by 40 feet long. My husband eventually drilled the holes for me but told me not to buy a used drill or soldering iron because he has them (but I can't get my hands on them). My husband did get angry about the totes and says if I don't grow things in them I'll just be wasting money on them. We have a continuing argument over him spraying poison on the lawns to kill the weeds when I want to use the grass clippings in my raised vegetable containers. He only sprayed about a 3' x 5' area this week so I ran out this morning to pull contaminated weeds to get rid of the majority of it from that area before the guy cuts the grass. Of course, the grass is dying in that area which he said it wouldn't. Last year he killed 8 rose bushes and damaged more from overspray of weeds and ants. Yesterday he took about 10 or 12 things off the kitchen counter and spread them around on the kitchen floor. I suppose it was a warning that next they would go in the trash. I thought about leaving them there but knew that wouldn't help. Better not to inflame him since he can be dangerous.

Robbie on YouTube puts sticks and branches in the bottom of her totes so dirt doesn't clog the water holes but I don't have branches and have not gone to the neighbors as she suggests. I can't gather or carry much. Then she puts yard and kitchen debris in, which I was able to do, and then 4 to 6” of compost. It took me a while to buy that much compost. Some of the containers she has on the ground have poles to hold the tulle fabric up over the top of the containers but the cheap ones at Home Depot have bad reputations for breaking. As I look closer she seems to have heavy poles to hang the tulle on to keep the birds out of planted seeds, and critters from eating the plants, but those are much more expensive. She says critters get their nails stuck in the netting and think it is a trap and avoid it. I haven't figured out what I should do about the poles yet. On some, she poked or drilled two holes in each corner of a container to hold a post with ties. That's 8 holes per container times 14 containers, which are already in place in the yard, and I hate to ruffle my husband's feathers getting him to drill that many corner holes. Since I haven't bought expensive heavy posts (4 for each container) I haven't pushed the issue. On some of her containers, she cut out the center of the lid and stapled netting over the top, which is good for seeds and seedlings but not as plants get taller. I have always had a big problem with slugs so I'm thinking about what to do next, maybe wrap the tulle around the outside of the top of the container and clip it. I bought a bunch of cheap wood clothespins at Target. Someone on YouTube said just do a little something every day for prepping for emergencies. I also love YouTube because I don't feel so lonely. We can only prep for the small things. The big things we can't control and need to trust the Lord for those things. “Normal” isn't coming back, but Jesus is.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
60,7 kg 0 kg 9,4 kg Poco
   (7 comentarios) Ganando 0,5 kg a la Semana

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