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10 enero 2011

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
94,8 kg 0 kg 24,5 kg No Aplica

28 octubre 2010

Well I just looked at my last journal entry and it has been almost exactly 3 months since I last documented anything. I have taken a peek at how my buddies were doing maybe twice during that time. Basically I have been MIA for a while. I've just been so stressed I just have been in an "I don't care" mode. As I read my last journal entry I realized nothing has really changed. It has been over 3 months and our kitchen is still not done. I cook on a griddle, or the microwave, or the crockpot. I was using our grill but it caught on fire and is not usuable anymore. Therefore, it is making it difficult to cook for Atkins. I actually did fairly well until the past 2-3 weeks. The good news is that I havn't gained anything. The bad news is of course I havn't lost either. I havn't been to Zumba class in about 4 months. But I did start back this week. I went Tuesday night and was amazed at how well I kept up and I wasn't even sore yesterday. Have class again tonight. Hope I do just as well.

Well since I was last here DH had the injections we were waiting for and they did not help. So then they decided that the only other option was to burn the nerve endings but this didn't always work either. In order for insurance to pay for it they had to do two test sites where they went and injected the sites they wanted to burn with some numbing medicine. If it was going to work hubby should notice results within 24-72 hours and they would last for 2 weeks. He did not get any relief at all. So they said that it wouldn't do any good to burn the nerves because if he didn't get any relief from these than he wouldn't get any relief from that. So now they say there is nothing else they can do. So he just has to live with the daily pain. He currently takes Percocet, MS Contin, and Flexeril and still has severe pain. After we got this news he finally agreed to apply for SS disability. The doctors say they don't think he will ever be able to work. He can't stand too long, he can't sit too long. He is trying to help me with the kitchen but obviously can't do much.

I am planning on taking about 4 days off work either next week or the week of the 15th to work on the kitchen. We have got to get it done. I can't do it only in the evening and on Sundays (I'm still working two jobs). To top it off we both have been ill off an on over the past 6 weeks. I started off with a bad case of flu and then gave it to him. It took weeks to really get over it, and hubby still is coughing. Then last week I ended up with bronchitis which could have been carried over from the flu. I don't know though because I was actually feeling pretty well for a week or so. Anyway this hasn't helped anything at all.

I am still slammed at work. We are still converting over to a new computer system and it has not been smooth sailing at all. As a matter of fact we were suppose to "go live" with it this past Monday and they have pushed us back to the end of January!!! I am actually releived about that. It takes some of the pressure off because we all knew we weren't ready.

As if my plate isn't full enough, DH and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary on Nov. 30th. We have decided to have a annivesary party and renew our vows. So I have like 4 weeks to plan this. So far everything has went well but I have not sent our invitations yet. Just one more thing to do in my spare time. LOL

I decided that I am not going to follow Atkins for a while. While I love it and I know it helps it is just too difficult right now. I am just going to try to watch what I eat. Still try not to go over board on the carbs but I am adding more fruits and some low fat snacks. My goal over the next couple of months is to just not gain weight and if I lose some that will just be a bonus. I am going to try to start tracking my intake again though. That really helps me. There are several reasons for me to taking a break from Atkins. The main reason is because of my kitchen. I just can't prepare well enough. Also, finances are a strain. I can't worry right now about whether what I am buying is Atkins friendly. I just need to buy what we can afford. Another reason is because I want to try something that maybe my husband would be willing to do. He refuses to do Atkins even though he has seen what it has done for me and I really think he would get great benefits from it. He really needs to lose some weight. I think it would help his back pain some and he has other health issues that would improve if he lost some weight. If I have to do more of a low calorie diet to get him on board I am willing to do that. But believe me, if I don't see any results I am going back to Atkins. I am a believer. I am also going to try to go to Zumba routinely again. I love doing it. It makes me feel good and what a great work out. Even though I am not following Atkins for the moment I still want to keep my buddies. You are all a great support group and I have missed you.

28 octubre 2010

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
87,1 kg 0 kg 16,8 kg No Aplica

31 julio 2010

Life is so crazy right now. I have been so busy I don't have time to get on FS and record anything or catch up with my buddies. I hate that because I really thrive on this site. I honestly believe that I would not have succeeded as well as I have so far if it was not for this site. Work has been a killer. Last week I had to travel two different days and will have more of that over the next couple of weeks, plus it is registration time so I am swamped with that, and we are in the process of getting a new computer system and I have meetings regarding that coming up. I have had to take off work quite a bit for hubby's dr. appt. so that puts me behind in my work even more. I was only in my office one full day this week and I am so far behind from being out of the office I felt like I didn't even make a dent in anything.

Hubby is still having alot of pain from the L1 fracture. He is keeping me awake at night so I am exausted. I told him I was going to start sleeping in a different bed because we both need our rest and if he needs to sleep in our bed then I can deal with that. The other beds are twin and not the best mattresses. I don't think it would be a good idea for him to sleep on those. The good news is that he is finally off of all of his blood thinners, except a daily aspirin. And they have taken him off of one of his blood pressure pills. So he is finally scheduled to get his injections in his back for August 10th. However, we have to see the Orthopedic dr. Monday so he can see him for his L1 fracture and decided if he thinks it will even do any good to get the injections now since he has the fracture.

We are in the middle of remodeling our kitchen. The floor joists were rotten and out kitchen floor was falling in. So the whole floor had to be ripped out. I told my husband if we were going to go to that much trouble I wanted the whole kitchen redone. The contractor is taking way too long to just replace the floor. Finances are tight so we decided that when he is done with the floor we are going to try to do all the rest of the work ourselves. To save money we bought unfinished cabinets and I am staining and polyurethaning (I don't know if that is a word or not) them. I did the sink cabinet already because the contractor is going to put that in since it will require some plumbing. I am really excited about it. I think they look great. I like them better than the finished ones we looked at. I can't wait to get the rest and do them too. We need to pick our paint and what type of flooring we are going to put down. And I am trying to decide what kind of splash guard I want up. We are looking at tiling behind the sink and between the wall and floor cabinets. Since hubby can't do any of the manual work he said he thought he could supervise and he is going to tell me how to install the cabinets and stuff. I am excited about it. I have decided that if I can successfully pull this job off than there are alot of other projects around the house I can do with his guideance. That is if we don't kill each other in the process. LOL Nerves can get a little raw when you do projects like this. And with me working 2 jobs, 6 days a week time is limited. My plan and what I have done so far is do a little everynight and on Sundays. I am wanting to put an island in the middle of the room but the formica top for the island was way to expensive. I'm looking for ideas of how we can maybe make our own counter top for the island. I am really excited about his project and hope it looks good when we are done. It is alot of work and I am spread so thin that I am really tired and I know it will probably take me a couple weeks to get it all done. But it is also a bit of a stress reliever for me to get away from everything else.

Bad news is that I fell in the kitchen the other night and messed my leg up. The contractor had put boards across the floor joists for us to walk on if we needed to. He had them screwed in. Since hubby's back is messed up there is only one door he can come through. So I cut through the kitchen to get to that room to unlock the door. When I got to the last board he had taken the screws out without me knowing it and the board flew up behind me and I fell. Hit my leg on the floor joist in front of me right under my knee and slid down to my ankle. I have a terrible scrape from knee to ankle. I think I bruised the bone and maybe messed up some muscle or something. I have area of swelling on the right side under my knee and as the day goes on and my leg is down the whole leg and ankle swells up. First thing in the morning it isn't too bad and I don't limp much but as the day goes on and it starts swelling it gets to bothering me. Tylenol helps some. The rest of my body is kind of sore. Probably a combination of the fall and the physical work around the house. I'm trying not to let it slow me up though. The last two nights I was in the kitchen staining cabinets and applying polyurethane. Putting on a second coat tonight. I wish I had a digital camera so I could post pictures of the progress. I will try to see if my sister will take some pictures when it is all done at least and post them.

Well with my life being in chaos right now this WOE is proving to be difficult but I am muddling through. I don't have a stove so cooking is hard. I have learned how to make scrambled eggs in the microwave pretty good. I had done that years ago and I didn't like them but I have a pretty good technique and they taste pretty good. Hubby cooked some pork and chicken on the smooker ther other night so we have been eating on that. Veggies has been the hardest thing but I have been having a large salad every day for lunch at work so that helps. I've been so busy I really havn't felt like eating alot. That is probably the biggest problem is making sure I eat and eat well. Also havn't been getting my water intake in like I usually do. Going to try harder on that too. That usually isn't a problem but sometimes I just get too busy to remember to drink. And honestly since I hurt my leg I just don't want to get up and go downstairs at work to fill up. Good news is weight is staying the same. Bad news is that I wish it was going down. This summer has been crazy. I havn't been able to go to Zumba for at 6 weeks now. I just don't have time. Between the remodel, drs. appt, working late, keeping up with the house, laundry, and mowing there just isn't enough time. I am telling myself that all this activity is exercise too even if it isn't cardio like Zumba.

Well now that I have written book I guess I'll give it a rest. I don't know when I'll be able to get back on. My Saturday job is pretty boring so that is why I am able to be on today. Hopefully I will be able to check in some next week. If not, I wish you all luck in sticking with your goals. Keep you chin up and keep plugging away.

23 julio 2010

Well after two weeks of caos and going off the plan I am back. I had a rough start at the beginning of the week. I really didn't start back totally until Wednesday and as of this morning I am already down 5 lbs. Amazing!!! Stress is getting to me bad. Took the hubby to the dr. Monday to discuss some complications he has had since he fell. Then ended up having to take him back to the ER Tuesday because the complications got worse. Finally got those problems under control (I hope) but he is in terrible pain. He isn't sleeping so therefore I am not sleeping very well. Plus my kitchen is torn apart. We're in the middle of remodeling. Which I am worried will effect my food planning but I am working on it. I have had access to my stove so far but that isn't going to last. The other 3/4 of the floor is dirt! Yesterday I made Italian Beef in the crockpot and I have leftovers from that and the other day I diced and sauteed a 3 lb. bag of chicken breast. I used part of that in a stir fry and figure I could use the rest either on salads or something. By the way the Italian Beef was delicous and easy. Just place a 5 lb. beef roast in crockpot. In a bowl mix 10 oz. of beef broth, one package of instant italian dressing mix, and a bottle of peppercinis. Pour over the top of roast. Cook on low for 7 hours. When done shred with a fork. Yummo!!!

I have a funny story. Or at least I think it is funny and everyone else I told thinks it is too. So as I said we are remolding our kitchen. Well on Tuesday we had about 1/4 of the floor pulled up. So we are unable to use the back door that lead directly into the kitchen. On Wednesday my 19 you son says to me "Have you looked at Facebook today?" I said "no, I have been to busy. Why?" He says "Well did you notice my lip?" I looked at him and he has this huge fat lip. I said "what on earth did you do?" He says "I fell in a hole last night." I said "What hole". He says "In the kitchen." I thought I was going to lose it. He knew that there was a huge hole in my kitchen floor. He goes to a friends house that evening and comes home, through the back door and falls right into the hole. I wish I could have seen it. He says that he fell on a 2x6 and it hit him in the mouth. I was cracking up. I even left the light on over the sink because I could just see me waking up in the middle of the night and forgetting and go into the kitchen to get a drink and falling or something. I know I should be a concerned mother and this shouldn't be funny. But it was. He even thinks so. You kind of have to know my son too. His whole life we always tell "Jack Stories" because you never know what he is going to do or say. So I put a big sign on the door that says "UNDER CONSTRUCTION. DANGER. CAUTION. PLEASE USE FRONT DOOR".
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
87,2 kg 12,6 kg 16,9 kg Bien
   (6 comentarios) Perdiendo 4,0 kg a la Semana

Peso Histórico de nino66

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